Chris Miller's profile

Ultramarines Space Marine Army

Ultramarines Space Marine Army
Ongoing project to complete an Ultramarine army for Warhammer 40,000.

The army is built primarily as a painting showpiece rather than for gaming and several of the units and models have finalised in the Golden Demon painting competition.

The army was also voted best in Glasgow at the Armies On Parade event at Games Workshop.

The force will eventually feature all of the available codex units as well as many of the Forge World 30K units.
HQ Characters
Mastodon Assault Transport
Tactical squad with Rhino tank
Rhino Command Tank
Devastator Squad
Vanguard Veteran Squad
Leviathan Dreadnought
Venerable and Contemptor Dreadnought
Land Raider Tank
Mark 3 Breachers and Cataphractii Terminators
Sicaran Battle Tank
Ultramarines Space Marine Army

Ultramarines Space Marine Army

Ultramarines Space Marine Army
